Music and words collide...
Madison Daniel is a passionate author who not only enjoys his fictional characters, but truly believes they exist. From emotionally hot tempered fire-starters, to brilliantly awkward but lovable heroes, to his newest foul-mouthed heroine, Rumor Cross (THE BLEED SERIES), he is ruled by their literary voices. Female vampire hunters, sexy androids, time-traveling teenagers, and living nightmares are on the horizon. All wrapped in his signature musical playlists. Eye/Ear candy at its finest.
Madison is influenced by 80's movies, comic books, video games, art, and all the music of the universe. You can find him hunting down the perfect bowl of Chinese noodles, or playing guitar in between writing chapters, or chasing his favorite muses on his upcoming podcast. He lives and breathes his work, and is dedicated to one simple philosophy... MUSIC IS LIFE & THE WRITTEN WORD IS OUR SOUL.